Righteous… redefined

I had the opportunity to speak at the chapel service for Central Christian College in McPherson, Ks, this past week. I always enjoy speaking at colleges and chapel services, but this week was a real opportunity.

I was the lead speaker for their Justice Week: a call for all Christians to recognize the weak, the poor, the over looked and bring Godly justice to the world.


Below you will find the podcast for this message, but there are a couple of notes:

1) I recorded it with my iPhone setting on a music stand with my notes. So, if you hear some rustling… it’s just me.

2) I referenced/used a video during the message from The International Justice Mission. I am including a link for you to watch it after the message and see what they saw: VIDEO FROM IJM

The passage that I taught from is Proverbs 29:7

“The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.”

I’d encourage you readers/listeners to do the same as I did the students. Do something to bring justice to a broken world. Here are a few options: