Wrapping it up

We are neck deep in camp season 2012, I love camp!

I thought it would be fun to open the window and let you see a little bit of camp life, especially if you haven’t been there for while.


We had an interesting situation in which I was asked to be the camp pastor for one camp on a Monday through Friday and another that started Friday night through Tuesday.

The only problem was, they were 11 hours apart. So, I asked the second camp to schedule with me if we could try something different.

As a video driven multi site church pastor, I asked if we could make the Friday morning finale session a video sermon.

I know it was an odd request for a children’s camp, but I think it came off really well. The added benefit is that it produced a video I can share with you!

I hope you enjoy, this is a little glimpse into the last morning session of CrossSeekers children’s camp 2012.

By the way, you have to imagine me running around that campground with my tripod and camcorder. Then laying on a camp bed producing and editing.

Good times, good times…

SALT & LIGHT from Andy Addis on Vimeo.

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