The Cross Eyed Life has gone to print! This online blog, site, media collection has entered a new phase. As of November of 2015, the Baptist Digest of the Kansas Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists (KNCSB) has determined to print an article of mine monthly.
It’s very exciting, and I used the first edition to introduce the concept of living the Cross Eyed Life. So, I thought it would be a good refresher for those of us who have been here all along, and I am posting what has already been printed.
So, let’s welcome our new print family members to the Cross Eyed Life!
I am starting a new adventure here with the KNCSB Baptist Digest, and with it a thank you to our new KNCSB president Joe Stiles.
When I expressed I would miss writing the Presidents Perspective each month, he responded with a gleam in his eye and asked me to keep on writing.
Thank you, Mr. President! But, we probably ought to change the name of the column, so, let’s christen this new adventure: The Cross Eyed Life.
I know, what in the world is a cross eyed life? Let me explain.
A few weeks ago my wife and I were making our way to a missions gathering in Salt Lake City and had to start out early: up at 3 am, on the road by 4 am, at the Wichita airport by 5 am for a 6 am flight… that left at a little after 9 am.
Yeah… It was one of those days. We missed our connection; they misplaced our luggage, and about 100+ people sat in the terminal losing their religion.
What made it worse was the weather. As the sun came up (which we got to see every minute of), it was a beautiful day, and it was so nice the clouds themselves had formed the words zip-a-dee-do-dah.
So, obviously there were no weather delays.
Maybe the plane wasn’t there yet? So, I asked the gal behind the counter… nope, that’s our plane sitting right outside the window.
Mechanical problems? Not it, it’s all good.
I know, the pilot hasn’t made it in from a connecting flight yet? Sorry, no go. He’s already sitting on the plane with a full crew.
So, with a dumbfounded look on my face I asked the gal behind the counter one more question, “So, can we all get on the plane and leave?”
I will bet you know the answer. She said no.
It was then that I learned a new term: low ceilings.
Apparently, the weather in Denver was different. Low clouds meant it was too difficult to land.
Even though everything on our end was perfect, it would have still been a huge mistake to take off because where we were going wasn’t ready yet.
It was at this point I moved from disgruntled to thankful. Thankful that someone knew what was going on and had a better plan than I did.
It’s all about perspective. You have to see things clearly if you are going to move in the right direction.
And that’s what “The Cross Eyed Life” is all about, seeing things from the right perspective.
As a follower of Jesus, we have to learn to see things through the lens of the cross.
The cross changes your perspective on love and passion.
The cross changes your perspective on suffering and sacrifice.
The cross changes your perspective on everything in life.
First Corinthians 1:18 says, “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
How great would it be if every believer spoke with the grace of the cross? If we felt with the passion of the cross? If we walked with the power of the cross?
Wouldn’t it be great if our vision were constantly obscured by the image of the cross.
That’s when we would truly start living The Cross Eyed Life.