
 I am not a natural optimist. In fact, my natural propensity for fear, tends to lead me the…er, other way.

So, trying to have a positive expectation is not the norm for me. If I am getting ready for travel then I think about every nightmarish movie scene of plane, train and automobile disasters I have ever seen and simply overlay my face into the scenery… fun!

If I get a mysterious phone call and need an urgent reply, then I am sure that the person on the other end of the phone message has had their life completely unraveled or hates me… or their life has completely unraveled because they hate me… super fun!

If I have a soar throat, it’s never sinus drainage, it’s always some precursor to cancer, a rare disease in its final stages that will only be discovered in my autopsy, or the final mutation of the swine flu that has evolved to its pristine killer form within me… uber fun! Continue reading “Expectations”

So, maybe I was wrong…

 So, have you had a chance to percolate on the previous article for a couple of days?

I’ve never written a ‘to be continued’  before but I thought I would give it a shot. If you haven’t read “I knew I was right” from a day or two ago please take a minute, or none of this will make any sense.

Honestly, the way I write, it might not make any sense if you read it anyway, but it’s worth a shot.

I decided to continue the article, or at least make it a two-parter when I saw that Acts 16 (the continuation of the passage we were looking at) appeared to be a contradiction of Acts 15. Continue reading “So, maybe I was wrong…”

I Knew I was right

I love validation!

We all do.

Validation is that moment when you are proven right and you get to jump up and yell, “Booya, in your face, I knew it, that’s right, who’s your daddy, I own you, YES, I… AM… THE… MAN!”

And, your wife just sits there and rolls her eyes, again, because you have once again bested her in your knowledge of Star Wars Trivia. Even though she hates those movies and can’t tell the difference between a Jedi’s Padawan and a Sith Lord, you still sit there smugly in your moment of triumphant validation… you dominate.

I admit it, I am a validation junkie. I remember once being in an argum… er… discussion with my betrothed about an actor on a sitcom in which I was so sure of myself and desiring validation that I ordered it at a drive through: Continue reading “I Knew I was right”

Bucket Theology

So what are you afraid of?

Financial issues, health concerns, family matters, ending opening sentences with prepositions…

The only people who really have anything to worry about as it relates to their fears are the ones who say they aren’t afraid of anything. Take it from me, I’m an expert in fear as one who is afraid of a multitude of things (not a positive, of course, just a statement of fact)… everyone is afraid of something.

The problem is our fears tend to camouflage themselves. We see the obvious ones:

· “I’m afraid of dogs” – Well, you were probably bitten as a child

· “I’m afraid of getting pulled over by the police” – Well, slow down genius

· “I’m afraid of tornados” – Well, you’re not an idiot

· “I’m afraid of those creepy sounds downstairs in my house at night” – Well… Well, actually, I agree. Do you mind going down to check? Thanks.

The obvious fears we get. They are easy to spot, label and either accept or deny. The problem is many leaders are leaders because they have learned to wrestle these obvious fears to the ground and knock’em out with the classic sleeper hold! Continue reading “Bucket Theology”

I Feel So Left Out

Please imagine that really cool TV network “Now Announcing” music beginning here followed by this more than pertinent information:

Today, the CrossEyedLife announces a new category for it’s teaching/blog articles called Leadership Journals. I’ve noticed that many of the comments and the emails received are from people in leadership positions whether in small business or in ministry, so, I’m creating a new line of thoughts for our readers specifically for them.

Hopefully these articles will have principles that translate to all readers, as I really enjoy communicating directly with fellow leaders from time to time. So, whether you’re a CEO who crunches numbers and meanders through the marketplace maze, or maybe you’re a fellow under-shepherd smacking a few sheep back into the flock, or maybe your captain MOM of the good ship “OBEY ME NOW OR THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES”… I hope Leadership Journals has something for you!


Have you ever missed out on a good thing because you haven’t been willing to do the hard thing?

The obvious answers lie before us like broken toys on a toddler’s bedroom floor (man, I have to get some non-parental metaphors):

· The better body we always wanted, but never produced because sit ups cost more than Ding Dongs

· The training and education we were always going to pursue later when we had more time (you can stop laughing now)

· The career or life goal that was actually achievable, but never achieved because it required a change that you still haven’t found the words to share with “you know who”

· The savings account that never was because the flat panel, the ipod, the boat, the new car, the… oh, you get it!

When we get honest, this list of good things gone undone can get sickeningly long real quick, and what makes it even worse is we can add another page of how we are planning on starting them all tomorrow.

Yeah, right. Continue reading “I Feel So Left Out”

Weird God Story

Everyone has one, and here is one of mine… the “weird God story.” They are usually hard to believe (thus, the weird God story part), but they mean something to the storyteller.

In this case, I hope it means something to you, too.

Hope you enjoy and find it encouraging. Continue reading “Weird God Story”

It’s tempting to be corny

I just spent the last week working with the students of Corn Bible Academy  in Corn, Ok… okay, let’s get this out of our system… yes, they were the children of the corn.

Corny, eh?

I was completely impressed with the students and staff of this small Christian school and had a great time with them as a teacher/pastor for their spiritual emphasis week.

During the week we had a Q&A time which lead to this video on dealing with temptation. The focus verse is 1 Corinthians 10:13:
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

The Holy Bible : New International Version. 1996, c1984 (electronic ed.) (1 Co 10:12-13). Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

Also, stay tuned to the bitter end for the bloopers. I got real bored on the trip home. Four hours of, well, Oklahoma and Kansas. There’s a mind-numbing afternoon. Enjoy!

Continue reading “It’s tempting to be corny”

To hypocrite, or not to hypocrite

Don’t you hate it when you have to practice what you preach? You know, those great moments of accountability that you prepare for your whole life while simultaneously praying never arrive. I’m not just talking about the little things either:

  •  “Kids, eat your veggies,” and now a huge plate of asparagus stares you in the face
  • “Don’t drive like a maniac,” and now your 20 minutes away from a super important meeting that starts in 10 minutes
  • “Just chill out and quit worrying,” and now, well, you fill in the blank with anything. Am I right?

These little moments of accountability test our character everyday and threaten to label us “Genuine” or “Hypocrite” depending on our response.

Even if no one else knows, we’ll know.

But, every now and then comes a big test. Something that will really cost us something and totally begs the question, “Do you really believe all the junk you say?”

Which, by the way, is probably one of the best questions we could ever ask ourselves.

Continue reading “To hypocrite, or not to hypocrite”

Back Stage Pass

A double blessing this week:   
  • One, I get to travel with our student ministry to their 1,200 member winter conference in Topeka, Ks.
  • Two, I get to speak at the same conference.
While I was hanging out backstage meeting the band and getting tech stuff set up, I was struck by this teaching. I hope it is encouraging to you.