Where’s your happy button?

This is the time of year that I am usually giddy with anticipation. In fact, when I see Halloween decorations creeping out at Wal-Mart, feelings of joy start to gurgle up from deep down inside.


You can cancel your plans for the letter explaining to me the evils of October 31st, that’s not what makes me gleeful. However, when you see the Trick O Treater gear clogging the aisles I do get a skip in my step because it means just one thing to me… The NBA season is almost here!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year….

For you ESPN addicts, you’ll be sure to note that owner/player talks may delay or even cancel this coming season.

Nope. Still not dismayed.

If the season starts late, or never even begins, I’ll be just fine. Why? Because

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To hypocrite, or not to hypocrite

Don’t you hate it when you have to practice what you preach? You know, those great moments of accountability that you prepare for your whole life while simultaneously praying never arrive. I’m not just talking about the little things either:

  •  “Kids, eat your veggies,” and now a huge plate of asparagus stares you in the face
  • “Don’t drive like a maniac,” and now your 20 minutes away from a super important meeting that starts in 10 minutes
  • “Just chill out and quit worrying,” and now, well, you fill in the blank with anything. Am I right?

These little moments of accountability test our character everyday and threaten to label us “Genuine” or “Hypocrite” depending on our response.

Even if no one else knows, we’ll know.

But, every now and then comes a big test. Something that will really cost us something and totally begs the question, “Do you really believe all the junk you say?”

Which, by the way, is probably one of the best questions we could ever ask ourselves.

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