Fear is a funny thing. Some of it is good for you. God gave it to you as a way to protect yourself.
For example, when you’re walking down the street and massive pit bull with foam dripping from its mouth comes running at you, your typical response isn’t, “Nice, puppy!”
It’s fear… run, kick, scream. That’s a good thing.
However, the vast majority of our fears aren’t pit bulls. They aren’t collies, or even kittens. Truth is a good chunk of our fears are like that noise in the basement we imagine is a serial killer whose been hiding there all day and is waiting until 3:46 AM because of some sick ritualistic obsession of his to come in and pounce on my entire family!
When actually it’s just the sump pump.
I’ve got some potentially scary days ahead and I just wanted to offer you this children’s camp moment as a reminder to Fear Not.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
Now, watch the video below!
If the above link doesn’t work, try one of these:
Interesting, I`ll quote it on my site later.
Pastor Andy, Even though I’ve heard this story before, I still enjoy it. My son, (2 years old) plays “Big Green Bucket” in the bathtub after watching his older brother and sister get pummeled by it one weekend. What a hoot. I will pray for you, for Kathy, and for your boys over these next weeks. God is faithful, we shall not fear!
Jessica Schmidt
Have total and complete peace after watching you. I just had surgery last week (not on my BRAIN of course) and trusted the God would show himself profoundly through it, to my unsaved family and friends. He did just that, in ways that I am just now hearing from them. MAINLY the peace and abosolute NO FEAR going in baffled them, and my healing time was MIRACULOUS! I just smiled and said to myself ” His blood flows through me, MY life, is truly HIS ” No other explanation. I cannot WAIT to see how he will show himself through this Andy! Loved your letter Kathy! It blessed me more than I can say! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!
I have brought my students to Kidz at Kamp in Glenrose, TX for years and they abosolutely love you. I just wanted to thank you so much for the impact you’ve had on them by your willingness to allow Christ to speak through you. You have endured their questions after services and made them feel special. Thank you so much. We are all praying for you here at Haltom Road Baptist. We pray that your recovery is swift and that in everything God will be glorified.
Rachel Jones
HRBC Children’s Minsiter
Thanks so much Rachel… I am 7 days post surgery and feeling pretty good. I appreciate the prayers and look forward to working with and seeing you again soon!
Hi Andy & family
Just popped onto blog to see how it was going. I hadn’t seen or heard anything for awhile.
I was concerned and wanted to find out how it was going. I didn’t know any of the particulars of your surgery; when or how long for recovery. Glad to see that you are back in Hutch and on the road to recovery. I will continue to lift you all in prayer.
Prayers do work and our important to all who are concerned; patient and caregivers.
May God continue to do a miracles for you as he works his power and love through you.
You have touched so many and may he use this and you to reach more.
I read a few topics. I respect your work and added blog to favorites.
Pastor Andy,
We have been attending your Kidzcamp in Glenrose for 3 years. We have loved your messages, especially your 10 commandments this year. We are praying for you to have apeedy recovery. I do surgery everyday. All of my patients are scared. Theirs and your fear is real. But as stated; we must trust the Lord has a great plan for us. Amazingly God always provides for us. I’m so glad to hear you have begun the recovery process. It will take time but you will get back to yourself and the Lord will give you many stories to share with His people. I can’t wait to hear them. God bless each of you during this very challenging time…may you feel His peace and comfort.
In Christ service,