Something to share

In our faith community at CrossPoint we’ve been talking alot about how much God values the lost, disconnected and hurt. But, its all just talk until we do something.

So, I’ve pulled out something from my past to share, in hopes that you will take it and turn around to share it yourself.

Back in the day I used to be a hardline HTML code writer and built websites for churches and ministries. I also toyed around with a little video animation. That’s when I came up with this video version of what is called One-Verse Evangelism… I prefer to call “God’s Plan, Simplified!”

Please watch it, download it, email it, embed it, post it… whatever you can do that you think might make an impact.

It’s just something I want to share with you, hoping you might share it with others. The download link is just above the video.

Lord Jesus, we are all broken, frail and messed, but in your hands we can be made to do mazing things. Please help today be the day that you start to use us to do amazing things in the life of someone else. In Jesus name, Amen.

By the way, if you have stumbled across this site and would like to make a change; if you need to turn things over to God, then pray the prayer at the end of the video and shoot me an email. I’d love to help get you started on the journey!

Andy’s Email

Right click the link below to download:

Something to share from Andy Addis on Vimeo.

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