“Shhhh… sleep on, sleep on”

I have had many of you ask for a way to get a copy of the reading I used this past weekend at CrossPoint. Let me provide it for you in two ways:

1) I will copy and paste below a copy of the text as I read it for you.

2) A link to the message where it was read (I considered giving you timining markers to find it quickly, but I would rather you just listen to the message, ha!).

This is a portion of a sermon by Charles H. Spurgeon delivered June 21, 1857 and entitled: “Omnipotence, Mercy and Justice.


But hast thou never fled to Christ for refuge? Dost thou not believe in the Redeemer? Hast thou never confided thy soul to his hands? Then, my friends, hear me; in God’s name, hear me just a moment. My friend, I would not stand in thy position for an hour, for all the stars twice spelt in gold! For what is thy position? Thou hast sinned, and God will not acquit thee; he will punish thee. He is letting thee live; thou art reprieved. Poor is the life of one that is reprieved without a pardon! Thy reprieve will soon run out; thine hour-glass is emptying every day. I see on some of you death has put his cold hand, and frozen your hair to whiteness. Ye need your staff: it is the only barrier between you and the grave now; and you are, all of you, old and young, standing on a narrow neck of land, between two boundless seas – that neck of land, that isthmus of life, narrowing every moment, and you, and you, and you, are yet unpardoned. 

There is a city to be sacked, and you are in it – soldiers are at the gates; the command is given that every man in the city is to be slaughtered save he who can give the password. “Sleep on, sleep on; the attack is not to-day; sleep on, sleep on.” “But it is to-morrow, sir.” “Ay, sleep on, sleep on; it is not till to-morrow; sleep on, procrastinate, procrastinate.” “Hark! I hear a rumbling at the gates; the battering-ram is at them; the gates are tottering.” “Sleep on, sleep on; the soldiers are not yet at your doors; sleep on, sleep on; ask for no mercy yet; sleep on, sleep on!” “Ay, but I hear the shrill clarion sound; they are in the streets. Hark, to the shrieks of men and women! They are slaughtering them; they fall, they fall, they fall!” “Sleep on; they are not yet at your door.” “But hark, they are at the gate; with heavy tramp I hear the soldiers marching up the stairs! “Nay, sleep on, sleep on; they are not yet in your room.” “Why, they are there; they have burst open the door that parted you from them, and there they stand!” “No, sleep on, sleep on; the sword is not yet at your throat; sleep on, sleep on!” It is at your throat, You start with horror. Sleep on, sleep on! But you are gone! 

“Demon, why toldest thou me to slumber? It would have been wise in me to have escaped the city when first the gates were shaken. Why did I not ask for the password before the troops came? Why, by all that is wise, why did I not rush into the streets, and cry the password when the soldiers were there? Why stood I till the knife was at my throat? Ay, demon that thou art, be cursed; but I am cursed with thee for ever!” You know the application; it is a parable ye can all expound; ye need not that I should tell you that death is after you, that justice must devour you, that Christ crucified is the only password that can save you; and yet you have not learned it – that with some of you death is nearing, nearing, nearing, and that with all of you he is close at hand! I need not expound how Satan is the demon, how in hell you shall curse him and curse yourselves because you procrastinated – how, that seeing God was slow to anger you were slow to repentance – how, because he was great in power, and kept back his anger, therefore you kept back your steps from seeking him; and here you are what you are!


Here is the message from Habakkuk 1 in our “Bye Bye Babylon” series:  https://subspla.sh/8bqcmxr

Many blessings my friends. May this challenge you, and if so, be willing to share it with others and challenge them!

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