Is this God’s will or Indigestion?

Here’s an easy one for you. A friend of mine recently asked me about a major life decision for her family. The problem is that there really are no easy decisions, period.

By the way, if you end a sentence with the word ‘period’ follow by the punctuation mark also named as such, is that officially redundant?

OK, there may be a few easy decisions out there, but they are never about major things.
Where are we going to eat tonight?
Does this dress make me look fat?
What’s on TV?

These are all questions that we either already have the answers to, or really don’t need the answers to.

But, the major decisions of life; the big ones that come along about jobs, love, life, kids, money and all that other high stress stuff, those decisions are never big fat slow softball pitches over the middle.

Those decisions are always tough ones. Why couldn’t the choices be more like these:

  • I could stay at this job that I hate, or move to my dream position for three times the cash and the beach house…hmmm
  • I could stay single and searching, or I could marry this drop dead gorgeous supermodel with the morals of Mother Theresa who keeps throwing herself at me… hmmm
  • I could continue to wander spiritually wondering what to do with my life, or I could open up this glowing letter with the return address marked Heaven that has been floating in my living room for the last month… hmmm Continue reading “Is this God’s will or Indigestion?”