As one of my boys would say, “Today was super cool!”
This Monday morning I began teaching for Sterling College, a course called Servant Leadership, to about 200 incoming freshmen and transfer students.
I only had the chance to personally speak to about 15 or 20 students on this first day, but I was reminded how great it is to hang out with them. Their passion for life, their questions about all things spiritual and fundamental, their desire to leave a mark on the world, and their ability to live off the dollar menu at McDonald’s… everyday!
They are amazing.
Even in the short time I was on campus today I over heard discussions about creation, existence, evolution and belief. It has inspired me to blog once again on that great topic… The existence of God. It’s been a while, so, why not tackle the basics again?
Actually, I’ve been reading this amazing book by Timothy Keller called The Reason For God, and one chapter (chapter nine to be specific) was a knock you out of your bed, jump up and down and slap your mama chapter. In other words, it was pretty good.
In recommending this read to you I’d like to summarize, theorize and hypothesize a little of my own pertaining to evolution and the existence of God while referring to this resource.
So here is the premise: evolutionary theory proves there is a God.
I know, I know, I know… It seems a little backward. Usually, when we bloggers are talking about God and evolution we’re trying to stab Darwin right in the heart. The normal pattern is we have to kill one to let the other live.
It’s a brutal battle, an ugly fight, winner take all, death match, three round, TKO, UFC rules, cage match, are you ready to rumble, pay per view extravaganza?
But, not today. Today, let’s be friends. Butterflies, rainbows, elevator music, the works.
Let me say it again so that you get a grip on the argument: evolutionary theory proves there is a God.
I am not a supporter of evolutionary theory, but using that thought process, here’s how the argument goes:
- All people have a moral compass, believing in some form of right and wrong. All people do. Don’t murder, don’t steal, don’t repress women, don’t endanger children, don’t discriminate because of race, creed, color, etc. Even those who claim value relativism (you know, those who say you can’t impose your beliefs on another because there really is no right or wrong) believe it’s wrong for their views to be pushed on others, or others views to be pushed on them. Thus, they have a sense of right and wrong that they don’t even believe in (kind of funny, eh?).
- Evolution says that the traits of a species are developed by natural selection. As the strongest survive their traits are past on to the next generation. For example, bigger males eat the smaller males, and that’s why the average height of the NBA player has increased by almost 6 inches in the last decade (complete made up statistic, but you know I’m right).
- The problem is altruism remains a dominant trait in humanity even though it runs counter to evolutionary theory. Altruism defined: the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others (opposed to egoism). This trait should have died out of our species millennium ago, but it hasn’t. In fact, it thrives despite what you see the crazies doing on the news. Traits like mercy, justice, compassion and even love are not dominant signs of a species’ strength. They are definitely not what should have survived in the evolutionary process, yet amazingly they live on.
- The source of these altruistic/moral thoughts, therefore, cannot be evolutionary or functional in nature. They serve no survival purpose, in fact, ideas like love, freedom, peace, liberty and equality have been ideals deemed worthy of… yes… say it… dying for. This response is the exact opposite of the evolutionary process and yet these ideals are revered, honored, and passed down again and again from generation to generation.
- So, what is the source of these completely backward, unselfish, others focused thoughts and actions? Some say, “Well, it’s just the human spirit.” Now we’re getting somewhere. It IS a spiritual thing.
Could it be that God is the source of these feelings, morals, convictions and thoughts? Absolutely.
Got to hand it to Darwin, without survival of the fittest we may never have seen this argument.
Thank God for the theory of evolution!
We are not a people, a culture or a world without morals. We simply refuse to acknowledge where our direction comes from, and that often causes us much grief in the process. We fight the God who is trying to guide us and try to believe that our direction is our own.
The trick is to simply acknowledge that these feelings, morals and values we experience have a source outside of ourselves and that source is worth exploring.
Ironically, even those who claim there is no God, really know there is one, and I think I can show it to you in this single metaphor.
If a room full of atheists were sitting at home watching the Discovery Channel on which a young gazelle were being hunted, pounced upon and devoured by a proud lioness, there would probably be little more than a sigh at sight of the gore.
But, if one of these young yuppies pulled out a gun and snuffed his neighbor there on the couch so he could have his wife because she was hot and he was ready to mate… they’d all be ticked.
Now that’s a double standard don’t you think (he typed sarcastically).
You see, even this couch full of atheists would instinctively know that the life of a gazelle and the life of human being are not comparable.
Because there is a right, there is a wrong, it’s written upon our hearts.
There is a God.