A couple of weeks ago I posted a sample day of a new audio devotional project from PSALM 119. I’ve had a lot of requests to make this available. It’s actually a CD project that I offer when I speak at camp and other events. But, I am posting links to each day of the 21 for you in the CrossEyedLife Community.
You can click and listen right here, or right click and download to your desktop. Or, if you want to go big guns, you can download this zip file and get all 21 in a single download: click here
Here’s a suggested pattern for your daily time with God using the ABC’s:
- Pray and ask that God would speak to you and that you would hear clearly what He’s saying
- Read the passage for that day
- Listen to that day’s track
- Pray again and commit to God some point of application that you can take away from that days devotion
Each day in the 21 day audio devotional journey is available below: